This coming August open carry will be allowed on ACC campuses, but already other Universities have allowed open carry for some time now. This is a big mistake in my opinion and I will tell you the reasons why this decision should be changed immediately. One of the main reasons being that our gun laws are not really laws, they are more small road blocks that all you need to get through are the proper age, time and money. In the State of Texas you must be at least 18 to own a "long-barreled" gun this included rifles and shotguns and other related firearms, you can openly carry these weapons and do not need a license for them. To carry a handgun in Texas you must be, at least 21 years of age, take courses and pay a $140 fee and you will receive a license in 60 days and for you to open carry it must be holstered at all times. There is no waiting period on purchasing a firearm, and if you buy out of state you do not need to register your arms in Texas.
It is far too easy to attain a license and firearm in Texas and that frightens me a student myself. Not simply because of open carry, but more because of concealed carry. You can never tell who has a firearm on them because of this license, which in turn means you can never tell who is going to start a killing spree, who is going through such stressful things that they could snap at any minute. People always forget that anyone can pull a trigger, and that easy task will lead to the deaths of one or more likely multiple individuals. As a student, I want there to be massive reforms towards our gun laws and reforms for open carry on campus grounds.
Our "laws" are not laws if they do so little to protect us and can be bypassed so easily. The open carry on campus does nothing to protect students from other students and others carrying on campus. An example of some smart laws and measures would be for open carry to be the only carry on campus, no concealed carry and for all students to register with on campus police that they have a firearm, to have that firearm unloaded and with a trigger lock on at all times, and that every student must put their arms in a lock box during class time. Have the on campus police and other qualified individuals hold mandatory psychiatric evaluations and training sessions weekly or monthly to ensure proper use and safety on campus. These are measures that would prevent a student or faculty from going on a killing spree on campus and could save thousands of lives. Guns are a tool, but when you put a tool in an untrained and unattended child's hands that tool can lead to massive destruction.
First and foremost I couldn't agree more with Alexander Nanez's blog. He definitely had a strong opinion that was made clear at several places in the blog. The blog was well written and easy to read. Alexander provided the information in an organized manner. The important terms used in the blog were paired with proper clarification where it was needed. He believes that there should be serious improvements towards gun laws and for open carry on campus'. Gun should not be in a learning environment/atmosphere. Guns would be a sign of intimidation, schools are a place where you are supposed to have the freedom of action (but not completely free, of course). The potential of a violent incident happening would be even higher. Guns on one hand act as protection, but they may be misapplied to be used as violence. I agree with Alexander, we don't need to add more weapons to this environment. Guns should not be in a learning environment. Guns would be a sign of intimidation, should are a place where you are supposed to have the freedom (but not completely free, of course) The potential of a violent incident happening would be even higher. This society is corrupt and I believe this is the wrong thing to do (if you watch Lifetime, you would agree too).
ReplyDeleteHello, Alexander!
ReplyDeleteI found your article interesting and I strongly agree with your opinions. Yes, it is true that a gun is a tool and a person who owes should know how to operate it. I felt pity as well as insecure when I knew that ACC would allow open firearms. Schools are meant to be a place where everyone gets equal education and opportunities, where students should have "books" on their hands instead of "guns". Being a student, I will definitely feel insecure when I see a gun in my friend's hand. It will make me think about the negative consequences and question myself that, "Am I living in a safe and happy environment?"
I also agree that anyone can pull a trigger which can take someone's life. People have disputes and fights (especially students) but that can be resolved in a good way. Why do people think that carrying a tool will solve all the problems? Why do they think carrying a gun would make them superior to others? This is completely wrong. I wish the government could reverse the law about carrying firearms and try to make places safe for everyone.
My classmates blog was very clearly written and thoroughly explained the topic. I strongly agree that allowing guns to be carried on college campuses poses a large threat. College students are always under stress and are usually not in a proper state of mind to have the responsibility of holding a gun. Guns should absolutely not be allowed to be carried by students on college campuses.
ReplyDeleteThe point the author of the blog made about how easy it is to obtain a gun or a gun license in Texas. I wrote a blog on that topic recently and the author very accurately described the gun licensing situation in Texas. There is very little needed to get a gun or a carrying license already so easing up on current laws is not the right direction we should be headed for.